Goodbye and Hello: the LDE-trainees at the Centre for BOLD Cities

Our Centre is pleased to welcome Arthur as our newest Leiden-Delft-Erasmus trainee, as Sarah says goodbye after one year of joining us. In this article, we explore their unique perspectives, motivations and ambitions.

Meet Arthur: From Public Administration to WIJStad to BOLD Cities

Arthur De Jaeger Arthur's academic journey began with a background in Public Administration and Management, with a master's degree from Ghent University. He decided to dive into his interest for urban sociology more and took on a second master’s degree Urban Sociology (Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid) at Erasmus University. During his studies, his involvement with Erasmus Verbindt sparked a growing interest in bridging the gap between academia and citizens. This passion led him to the LDE-Traineeship, through which he joined the TU Delft's WIJStad—a program centred around strengthening the connection between the university and the city, for example by connecting urban challenges to courses for students.

Reflecting on his experience at WIJStad, Arthur highlights the dynamic and collaborative nature of his role, which ranged from administrative support to organising educational events to supervising bachelor theses. "It was a year full of different projects, which introduced me to a wide variation of actors— from children to professors, from civil servants to students. It was an incredibly interesting environment where I learned that such a networking function is crucial for transdisciplinary collaboration” he shares.

Looking ahead: project coordinator at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities

Arthur is eager to bring his experience to the multidisciplinary team at the Centre for BOLD Cities. He is particularly excited about continuing his work on the TWIRL-project, which aligns with his previous research during his master thesis. This experience introduced him to BOLD Cities, during which he explored the potential of Urban Digital Twins for citizen participation. 

I hope to play a part in strengthening collaborations between existing research projects and researchers, I am also eager to take on new projects that empower the voices of citizens in the smart cities of today and the future" - Arthur

Reflecting on Sarah's first year traineeship: a journey of discovery

Sarah van der Zeijden

Sarah, who recently finished her first year of the LDE-traineeship, shares her reflections on her time at BOLD Cities. Coming from a background in background in History and Philosophy of Science, she describes her initial experience as both exciting and overwhelming. "It was my first job in a professional work environment, and I was unsure what to expect. But the open and supportive environment at the Centre allowed me to grow at my own pace" she recalls.

One of Sarah’s most valuable learnings was how to critically reflect on the intersection of technology and society. "At BOLD Cities, it’s not about understanding how a smart technologies work; it’s about asking the right questions. Why do we want this technology? What are the benefits? Have we thought of the potential risks? How does it impact society? But also, the individual citizen" she explains. This critical thinking framed her approach to various projects, including her role in leading data walks.

Challenges and triumphs: a multidisciplinary environment

One of the challenges Sarah encountered was adapting to the fluid nature of the work environment. "The Centre operates across three universities, many different faculties and also outside of university. One moment, you’re working with researchers; the next, you’re collaborating with municipal councillors and then you’re a weekend in Leeuwarden with artists. It took time to find my place and role in that kind of network" she admits. But this reflection also brings her to share her proudest achievements. Sarah highlights her collaboration with the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden and the data walks she facilitated.

It was rewarding to present academic knowledge in a way that resonated with people who may not have a technical background. That’s what the Centre for BOLD Cities is about—making research accessible to everyone. - Sarah 

New beginnings: Sarah’s next chapter and Arthur’s enthusiastic start

Sarah will spend her second year of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus traineeship at TU Delft’s Innovation & Impact Centre. "I will be researching how the university can (better) leverage EU funding for research projects. My time at Centre has taught me how to navigate complex networks and ask critical questions, these skills I will undoubtedly use in my new position" she says.

team picture
From left to right:  Arthur De Jaeger, Esther Eumann, Sarah van der Zeijden, Liesbet van Zoonen, Merlina Slotboom

As we say goodbye to Sarah, we welcome Arthur. As someone with a background in both sociology and public administration, he is enthusiastic about learning from other disciplines within the Centre. "I expect to be extra challenged in fields I have little experience in, like data science and industrial design. But that’s the beauty and strength of BOLD Cities—everyone brings in their unique expertise and is able to work together and learn from each other." says Arthur. He is looking forward to enjoying the fantastic view from the 19th floor weekly and wants to learn as much as possible about the different researchers and (potential) research projects.

Please free to reach out to Arthur for an introductory meeting via

More information:
More about WIJStad
Innovation & Impact Centre at TU Delft