The Ethics of Big Data: Dealing with issues of privacy, equality and security in big data policy
Monday 26 February 2018, 15:30-17:15 (entrance from 15:00, drinks afterwards)
CIC Rotterdam, Stationsplein 45 (4th floor), Rotterdam.
Please register before 21 February by sending an e-mail to Luuk Schokker: schokker [at] essb.eur.nl.
The advent of the big data era comes with the promise of better and more efficient policy-making for a safer, healthier, wealthier and more democratic world. Big data is particularly approached as a means which enable cities to be “smart” by offering data-driven solutions to modern urban challenges. At the same time, implementing big data policies and collecting and using people’s data comprise various ethical concerns for policy-makers. For instance, how is it possible to exploit data securely without infringing on people’s privacy norms and rights? And how can big data-based policy be truly democratic and useful for everyone, rather than benefit the digitally savvy and “usual suspects”? Our esteemed panel will explore these and related issues:
Ethics and Big Data
Prof. dr. Jeroen van den Hoven (TU Delft)
Whose (big) data in whose city?
Dr. Jiska Engelbert (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
A secure city for private citizens
Dr. Jason Pridmore (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Moderator: Dr. Saskia Bayerl (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
This seminar is co-organised by the Centre for BOLD Cities and the Knowledge Lab Urban Big Data.