Prof. dr. Liesbet van Zoonen (Erasmus University), academic director at the LDE Centre for BOLD Cities, initiated and co-authored the position paper ‘ELSA LABS for Human Centric Innovation in AI’ for The Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC). The position paper was co-authored with Anne-Fleur van Veenstra of TNO and Nathalie Helberger of the University of Amsterdam. It was presented at the national meet-up of the ELSA Labs on July 9. Moreover, the BOLD Cities ELSA Lab Urban Digital Twins was awarded with the official ELSA Label of the NLAIC. The Lab houses a number of research groups and funding applications, among others to the NWA funding rounds for ‘Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen’.
The Urban Digital Twins Lab is coordinated by Prof. dr. Catholijn Jonker (Delft University of Technology), in collaboration with two other members of the Centre for BOLD Cities’ executive board: Prof. dr. Bram Klievink (Leiden University), Prof. dr. Claartje ter Hoeven (Erasmus University). Together with a consortium of three regional hubs (consisting of (applied) universities, local government and SMEs) they are preparing a bid for the upcoming NOW-rounds of ELSA funding.
The Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) improves and connects AI initiatives in The Netherlands. NL AIC designed the concept of ELSA (Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects) Labs in 2019. The purpose of this project is stimulating collaboration between the government, companies, knowledge institutions, civil society organisations and citizens in order to realise a responsible use of AI in our country.