Vivien Butot is PhD student at the LDE Centre for BOLD Cities/Erasmus University Rotterdam. Butot has a background in urban and cultural geography. During his prior education, he developed a broad interest for urban matters like citizen initiatives in housing, urban design, sense of place and neighborhood dynamics.
In his PhD research, he focuses on citizen perspectives on smart city developments and public safety. The promotors of this PhD research are Prof. dr. Liesbet van Zoonen (academic director at the Centre for BOLD Cities, professor of Sociology and dean of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam), Prof. dr. Gabriele Jacobs (endowed Professor in Organizational Behavior and Culture at Erasmus University of Rotterdam) and Prof. dr. Petra Saskia Bayerl (Professor in Digital Communication and Security at Sheffield Hallam University).