With great excitement, we introduce the new academic director of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities: Professor Jiska Engelbert, of Leiden…
The Dutch government and public libraries collaborate closely in projects to enhance people’s digital skills. With 2,5 million people in the Netherlands being…
BOLD researcher from Marmara University in Istanbul, Taşkın Dirsehan has published an article together with Liesbet van Zoonen in IET Smart Cities Online. The…
BOLD Researchers Jiska Engelbert, Aksel Ersoy, Ellen van Bueren and Liesbet van Zoonen have published a new article 'Capitalizing on the "Public Turn": New…
Is data ‘just’ data or is it political? And when is using data in area development useful and when would it be better to just have a walk through the city and…
The paper 'Privacy concerns in smart cities' by Prof. dr. Liesbet van Zoonen, academic director at the LDE Centre for BOLD Cities, is awarded with a certificate…
On Thursday 28 May 2020, the temporary committee on the Digital future of the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) presented its final report 'Update…
At Sociale Vraagstukken, the Dutch online publication for science-based articles and discussions on societal issues, Centre for BOLD Cities' academic director…
The Dutch Digital Government initiative, established by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, has published a collection of essays on appropriate…
After a year of research, design and activities, the team behind the Centre for BOLD Cities' research game Jouw buurt, jouw data officially released its first…