In the weekend of 9, 10 and 11 September, the inaugural meeting of the Global Parliament of Mayors takes place in The Hague. Mayors of cities all around the…
In today's edition of De Volkskrant, columnist Margriet Oostveen reports on WiFi tracking in Utrecht's city centre. Her article focuses on tracking city traffic…
The Centre for BOLD Cities is pleased to announce that the Rotterdam School of Management, one of the Centre's partners at Erasmus University, has received part…
Last Saturday, Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad published an interview with Dirk Helbing, a TU Delft professor who works on engineering social technologies for a…
Interesting food for thought in this 2015 YouTube video. In the video, we see Herman Narula, founder of Improbable, delivering a presentation on large-scale…
Prof. dr. Liesbet van Zoonen, academic director of the Centre for BOLD Cities, recently published her article 'Privacy concerns in smart cities', which is…
The recently concluded Pact of Amsterdam, which was agreed upon by the member states of the European Union as the Urban Agenda for the EU, highlights the…
More attention for the Centre for BOLD Cities over at CBS (Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics, or Statistics Netherlands). On the organisation's website, the…
On the website of CBS (Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics, or Statistics Netherlands), dr. Marike Knoef of Leiden University, a Centre for BOLD Cities affiliate…
EU ministers responsible for urban policy have, under the Netherlands Chairmanship of minister Ronald Plasterk (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations)…