Afgelopen maand werd het Centre for BOLD Cities uitgenodigd door Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden en de Zuid-Holland Academie om twee datawandelingen te…
On 11 January 2024, Dr. Vivien Butot successfully defended his PhD thesis, Imaginaries, Experiences and Controversies: Resituating Citizen Engagements in Smart…
Vivien Butot published "Making Smart Things Strange Again: Using Walking as a Method for Studying Subjective Experiences of Smart City Surveillance" together…
BOLD researcher Vivien Butot has published an article together with prof. dr. Liesbet van Zoonen in Science, Technology & Human Values. The article entitled…
After six weeks of classes on big data, having explored questions of cybersecurity, privacy, ethics, the smart city, and smart city governance, the first run of…
Mapping every single moment of surveillance from the moment you get up to the moment you sit in class - this is what our minor students did in a guest lecture…
As part of Module 2 ‘Citizens and everyday experiences with the smart city’ of our BOLD Cities Minor Smart and SHARED Cities, our students went on a walking…
Big Data is one of the most important keywords for a successful application of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The more data there is, the more there is to learn…
In the forthcoming instalment of the Technological Forecasting and Social Change journal, the article 'Citizen repertoires of smart urban safety' is published…
BOLD Cities researcher Vivien Butot offered his insights on George Orwell's classic novel 1984 as part of a book club discussion at Erasmus University's Studium…